Tuesday, October 5, 2010

shwarma !

Its been a while...

So last week we went for a Shwarma. I love shwarmas and Time Out Abu Dhabi had reviews of local spots, so we went to the only place that they gave 5 stars. Al Safadi ! (see pic below..oh and by the way, to the right? you see the red writing in Arabic? yeah, that says Burger King)
Well, there was only one little problem with Al Safadi, the place was SO LOCAL that we didnt even know how to order AND our waiter couldn't speak much English.
(On a side note I always get greeted in Arabic here, which is funny because at first I use to reply with an English "hello" which probably made me look like I was "trying to be American" as opposed to being American and not Arabic. Soon enough I realized that they just assume that I am Arabic, and so I started answering in Arabic, and then I continue in English. Its funny because for some weird reason whenever I reply "wa 'alaykum as-salām" it makes me think of Corona. Remember when he use to yell that back at the TEP House? Old TEPS remember this)
So anyway...we order our food and it wasnt exactly what I think shwarmas are, but the food was still pretty amazing, specially the delicious plate of olives that comes with your meal. Basically as soon as you seat down someone comes with a plate of Olives, and another plate filled with veggies.
When we got our food we actually didnt really know how to eat it.
We didn't really know what was the proper way to eat it, so we just stared at how other people were eating it. Basically with you hands you grab some meat, bread, and veggies and make little "sandwich-like" bites.
Madeline just piled it up into what we know as a Shwarma:
Either way the food was great, CHEAP, and it was cool being the only expats (well, other thean the Filippino servers) in the room.
After dinner we went to the Emirates Palace to meet some of Made's coworkers for drinks.
The Emirates Palace? man...I dont even know what to say, just do a search online. Its basically a 7 Star Hotel, yes, not 5; 7 !
Theres everything there, I mean the place is enormous !
Oh and yeah, you see the golden color at the top of the columns?
Yeah thats gold covered.

Theres also restaurants, bars, etc, etc
Next night we went to our first "House Party" in Abu Dhabi!
Meet some really cool people. Mostly Germans that work with Madeline. Some had been here for over 2 years, so we had tons of questions for them.
oh..and we had delicious German beer. yummmyyy !


  1. The meal looks amazing and healthy. I think you are being treated like an Arabian Prince.
    Take care Alice.

  2. What an experience of a life time. Enjoy! I can't wait to read more of your short stories.

    All the best,
    Claudia from the Boggie Down Bronx!
