Tuesday, October 12, 2010

some updates ...

We're doing good over here. Slowly settling in and getting used to life here; though in reality it is more like "our version" of it.
After all, we're in a hotel. We live in an apartment but we get all the hotel perks; like the Gym !
By the way I've lost about 2 Kilos (that's like about 5 lbs) and I'm rocking the Kilometers in the treadmill. Yes I know...everything here is in Kilos, Km, and Celsius. We're slowly getting used to it which is nice. I kinda like the whole Kilo thing. When I got here I was 220lbs ! which is only about 100kilos, so you know, it sounds like "less."
Either way I'm losing the Kilos ! We are ! Madeline is also hitting the gym though she spends more time in the Jacuzzi than on the treadmill.

Another great perk of the whole "Hotel-living" is that they come by and clean our place 3 times a week ! and by clean I mean CLEAN..they even do the dishes ! So yeah, that kinda rocks too, since I've become quite the chef.
Man, I am rocking the lamb ! I even got Madeline into to the whole lamb thing since I'm getting better at cooking it.
When cooking here you kinda have to get used to the seasoning. Everything tastes different, in some cases not necessarily better, just different. Even the salt tastes different.

One great thing of being here is that I can get really good hummus everywhere. Its also very affordable. Olives are very affordable as well, and they are AMAZING. We've become addicts to these Egyptian Olives with Spice mix:
By the way the price translates to about 5 Dollars for 2 lbs. 2 lbs of olives !!!! We never get pounds of em' but we do get 'em often.
I've also been rocking some Non-Alcoholic beer which you can get anywhere here. Em...so yeah, its just nasty. When its really cold you can kinda get use to it. So far my favorite has been the Bavaria one, but I've seen some Budweiser here that (sigh) yes, I might "have" to try.

AND .... we found the PORK SECTION !!
I will be doing a full blog post on the pork section.
Its funny because I'm a huge pork lover but haven't really missed it.

I do miss having a beer at home but, its ok; not a big deal since we can always go outside and grab one.
We have an amazing little bar right on our backyard. The bar is next to the "beach" and since its starting to get nice outside we can sit outside and grab a Stella (WITH Alcohol)
We can also get a Hookah while you sit outside by the beach, so I might be doing that soon.
By the way, here's a pic I took of the Grand Mosque, I never get tired of looking at it. One of these days we're going for a visit and full tour.

Hope you're all doing good !!!


  1. Nice Goon!! Eat that Pork Baby!!

  2. Hey cuz....this blog is great...keep the experiences coming our way...totally love it. So happy to hear that you and madelaine are doing great and experiencing such great new things.

    Looking forward to your next update. Take care. Love LIZ

  3. "it sounds less." hilarious man.

  4. You found Pork section there? I'm really surprised. :) I wonder if you need separate Visas to go there. :) I love lamb, nice job on learning how to make it...rock on bobby!! :)
